Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Judd Apatow: Because The Class Comedy, An Oscar?

As industry observers wonder if the hit was "ladies" will pick up an Oscar nomination or two, Monster Beats Solo, thanks to its star, producer Judd Apatow is the argument that it is time for the Academy to have a comedy category.

On a forum hosted by the Los Angeles Times, Apatow (also behind the comedy "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby," "Superbad," "Knocked Up" and "The 40 Year Old Virgin"), spoke to more tweets sent last week, where he noted "Given that the comedies are rarely makes sense to have an Oscar for a class play. Monster Beats. It just adds excitement to the category."

He presented the idea for the Los Angeles Times, Cheap Monster Headphones, saying: "I was commenting that there should be a comedy category at the Oscars, because why not?

Apatow went on: "It was like five million times in a year that [a comedy] won Best Picture ...Monster Beats Studio. It seems as if screwed" Schindler's List "of" The Hangover "to have its own category."

But he conceded, is an illusion, that "comedy is easy to do, [and] stability is difficult." Dr Dre Headphones. He joked, "I wish we were not able to jokes in those films. I would be so much less to do, if everything had been no sign of contradiction".

What do you think it is time for the Oscars to start handing out statuettes for this year's work the best comedy?

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